Saturday, 22 January 2011

New bootsin FA

Hello, M'dears! Yeayh, I have not written in a long time, and I apologise! Congatulations to the winner of the competition! And thanks to everyone that entered, I enjoyed looking at the outfits xD

Today I am going to write about a pair of boots from Fallen Angel I have fallen in love with (Pun sorta intended) (Is it a pun???!)

Anyway, it is good news since it is NON-SUPERSTAR! Yes!!!! Very good. And at 5 SD, a good price aswell ;D

Enjoy, lovies

Friday, 21 January 2011

LadyRox1996 Congratulations!

You have won the competition and you are the winner of $75.
I have contacted you in your guestbook and you have three days to reply and claim your prize, or else it will go to PinkPunkGirly.
What did you think of the winner?

Monday, 10 January 2011

Competition Poll

After alot of consideration, I have come to the choice of two people.
Now it is up to YOU to choose the winner!
Next competition will probably be in March, for Spring.

Tuesday, 4 January 2011

New Poll. Oh Goody...

I logged in and found this;
What the hell, Stardoll?
What about Rock? Metal? Even Grunge? And YES, Stardoll, to some of us, headbanging while sticking our hands up in the air in the shape of a metal horn IS A PARTY!
Oh, and it's not "favorit" it is Favourite/Favorite (however you want to spell it)

Monday, 3 January 2011

New Archive

Sorry I haven't been writing, I'm busy, busy, busy.
New archive today. Shit except for one leather skirt.